June 1st, 2024 | Allan Ray

The UK's Impending Turn To Hard Socialism

Labour's Keir Starmer is going to be the next Prime Minister.
The prospect of the United Kingdom embarking on a journey towards hard socialism under the leadership of Keir Starmer, the current leader of the Labour Party, has become very real. Examining Starmer's political background, the state of British politics, and his evolving stance on socialism offers some troubling insights into the potential direction of the UK under the next Labour government.
Keir Starmer's early writings in magazines such as Socialist Alternatives and Socialist Lawyer during the 1980s and 1990s reflect his deep-seated belief in the principles of Marxism. His advocacy for trade union control over industry and community and his agreement with Karl Marx's views on societal change underscore a deep foundation in left-wing ideology.
The removal of socialism-based pledges from his website in 2023, citing the need to "adapt" in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic situation, further illustrates Starmer's understanding that socialism may not be palatable enough to win elections in England.
In 2020, author Patrick Maguire, writing for New Statesmen, said, "Yet few will profess to knowing the real Keir Starmer. Some even contend that his leadership campaign has been an exercise in hiding from view."
Maguire went on, saying, "His pledges over the course of the campaign have, at times, seemed contradictory: he will not 'oversteer' away from Corbyn’s radicalism on the economy, but he will curb the leadership’s worst excesses.."
Keir Starmer's strategic shift towards the political centre, therefore, raises questions about the authenticity of his centrist image and the depth of his socialist motivations. While his decision to present a more moderate image may be a calculated political move designed to make the Labour Party more electable, it is also possible that this centrist façade masks deeper-seated socialist beliefs. The true extent of Starmer's commitment to socialism may only become apparent once he is in a position to implement his policy agenda, providing a clearer picture of the direction in which he intends to steer the UK's political landscape.
His evolution from a young socialist writer to the leader of the Labour Party has been marked by strategic adjustments in his political stance. This change has led some critics to argue that Starmer has watered down his socialist views to appear more centrist, a strategy essential for winning elections but which may obscure his true intentions.
Last year, Camilla Turner, writing for The Telegraph, called Starmer a hypocrite. "[He] has vowed to crack down on charitable status in independent education but he benefitted from a bursary at Reigate Grammar," she wrote.
Starmer's reluctance to characterize himself as an anti-capitalist during some pivotal interviews and his subsequent removal of socialism-based pledges from his website have raised eyebrows. These actions can be interpreted as a deliberate effort to appeal to a broader electorate, including those who may be wary of hard socialist policies. By focusing on the Labour Party's collective ethos and its “pragmatic” approach to governance, Starmer positions himself as a leader capable of steering the country through challenging times without radical reforms.
Starmer's public distancing from hardcore socialist ideals may be an attempt to avoid the electoral pitfalls that saw the Labour Party's heavy defeat in the 2019 general election under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. 
The discrepancy between Starmer's public statements and his earlier writings suggests a carefully constructed public image. By moving away from explicit socialist rhetoric, Starmer may be attempting to broaden the Labour Party's appeal and avoid alienating voters who are skeptical of socialism. This approach could be seen as an effort to gradually implement socialist ideals under the guise of pragmatic governance, rather than radical reform.
Starmer's leadership of the Labour Party could represent a nuanced strategy to introduce socialist principles into UK politics without the overt declarations of previous leaders. By positioning himself as a centrist capable of responsible governance, Starmer may be laying the groundwork for a more gradual shift towards socialism. This approach would allow him to claim that, upon achieving power, the policies introduced by his government are pragmatic responses to contemporary challenges rather than ideologically driven reforms.
At the moment, Conservatives have plummeted to historic lows in public opinion, increasing the likelihood of a Labour win in the country's upcoming July election.

The Failures Of Socialism

By placing the means of production and distribution under state control, socialist policies often result in inefficient allocation of resources, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and a lack of incentives for individuals to innovate and work hard. This can lead to economic stagnation, as seen in countries like Venezuela, where the implementation of extreme socialist policies has resulted in hyperinflation, widespread poverty, and a severe shortage of basic goods and services.
Saskatchewan has offered years worth of evidence for the negatives of soft socialism under its past NDP governments.
Hard socialist policies often lead to the concentration of power in the hands of the state, which can result in corruption, lack of accountability, and the suppression of dissent. The absence of a free market to act as a check on government power can lead to a situation where the state is both the ruler and the rule-maker, with little recourse for those who suffer from its decisions. This concentration of power can erode democratic institutions and lead to authoritarianism, as the state increasingly controls the means of production, distribution, and consumption.
This July, UK voters must be wary of this shapeshifter named Keir Starmer.

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