February 1st, 2024 | Thomas Carter

A Trump Conspiracy Theory You Might Not Want To Consider

Is MAGA a Deep State operation?
It is often in the realm of the extraordinary that conspiracy theories evolve, and this one starring Donald Trump is no exception. The theory suggests that Trump, infamous for his vehement claims against the so-called Deep State, is, in fact, a puppet of the same invisible entity. The premise is that Trump, acting on behalf of the Deep State, is on a mission to dismantle perceived corruption in Washington, only to replace it with a full-fledged dictatorship. 
At the core of the conspiracy theory lies the belief that Trump's anti-establishment rhetoric is a façade, a smokescreen to conceal the real agenda: an end to democracy. The theory suggests that Trump's administration, under the guise of cleaning up Washington, would gradually erode the principles of democracy, leading to the establishment of an autocratic regime. The checks and balances that regulate the power of the president would be systematically dismantled, transitioning the U.S into a dictatorship. This would all happen because Americans, now looking up to Trump as a true American patriot in the face of danger and war, have given him permission.
The Deep State, often referred to as the shadow government, is a term used to describe the coordinated efforts of entrenched interests within the bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and the military-industrial complex. In this theoretical construct, the Deep State, faced with growing public discontent and the emergence of a populist movement, decides to stage an audacious power play. They need a figurehead who can garner enough public support to push through their agenda while appearing to be the enemy of the establishment.
Enter Donald Trump, a brash billionaire with no political experience, who publicly rails against the Washington elite. He wins one term, then is defeated in a purposefully and overtly rigged election (designed to create a stronger perception of institutional corruption). The Deep State, recognizing his appeal to a disillusioned electorate, sets about crafting him into the perfect hero and Trojan horse. They fund his next campaign, plant operatives within his inner circle and manipulate the media to ensure his rise to power for a second term.
Trump's cult of personality is an ideal construct.
The ongoing legal battles, designed to fail and to eventually vindicate Trump, are a part of the theater and efforts to elevate Trump as the new American hero—or America's Julius Caesar. These legal plots and acts of lawfare are designed to “expose” the deep-seated corruption among America's elites, which Donald Trump will root out.
More theater.
Domestically, Trump will be seen cleaning up the corruption in Washington and bringing the far right and far left together on several fronts. The American public will slowly become more united as Trump tackles major issues from both sides of the political spectrum, while addressing issues that plague African Americans, Latinos and everyone else. He will do this all while strengthening the American economy and increasing the standards of living.
Trump's campaign again promises to "drain the swamp"—which will become the unifying force—and his aggressive stance against traditional political norms will be seen by the Deep State as a necessary sacrifice to appease the masses. His promises to rebuild America's infrastructure, bring jobs back, and to strengthen the military are all facets of a larger plan to consolidate power and to prepare the nation for the coming conflict. The economic nationalism he espouses is used to justify protectionist policies that weaken other countries while restoring America's post-war power.
At the height of America's new found unity and economic restoration, an enemy will do something dramatic that forces Trump to act.
The theory posits that Trump, as a Deep State actor, will go to war with Iran. Such a move could serve dual purposes. First, it would divert public attention from the internal changes and, second, it would allow the Deep State to exert control over the Middle East, fulfilling their long-term goal of global dominance. As tensions with Iran escalate, President Trump, now fully integrated into the Deep State's plan, uses the threat of nuclear and biological attacks to bolster the need for sweeping executive actions. Civil liberties are eroded in the name of safety and the president's power grows unchecked.
A now popular Trump has gained the trust of a majority of Americans, making his actions less controversial. Think back to America in the days and weeks following 9/11.
The media, now firmly on board, portrays any opposition to the president as unpatriotic. Dissenters are silenced and those who question the administration's motives are branded as enemies of the state. The country, seemingly united against a common enemy, rallies behind the strong leadership of President Trump.
An interesting facet of this conspiracy theory is the perceived shift in media portrayal of Trump. Despite his complex relationship with mainstream media, the theory suggests that media outlets will begin to paint him in a more favorable light following and leading up to his re-election. This shift could be explained as a deliberate attempt by the Deep State to manipulate public opinion and garner support for Trump's actions.
This is not the kind of conspiracy theory MAGA and Trump supporters want to hear, but it is important to entertain. We shouldn't believe this theory any more than other silly theories, but as Trump's legal victories look more likely, we can't help but wonder if they were designed as such. With every new charge that gets dropped, or with every legal battle that ends in Trump's favor, his character and popularity among normal Americans happens to increase. Many of these legal battles have laughably weak foundations—making it all more likely to be a show.
If Trump emerges from these legal battles and every effort to remove him from state ballots fails, he will beat Joe Biden. Only then will we see if this conspiracy theory has any real merit.




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