MAY 1st, 2023 | STEVE PARKER

The Racial Tribalism Of Chris Rock

When jokes are based on false narratives, they just aren't that funny.
Well, chums, let's talk about Chris Rock and his penchant for racial tribalism. You see, Chris has a bit of a reputation for dividing people into groups based on the colour of their skin. Some might call it a talent, others might call it divisive, but it is something that he has become known for. Now, some folks might argue that Chris Rock is simply shining a light on the differences between races and how they are perceived in society, but is that really the case? Or is he just perpetuating the very racism that he claims to be against?
You see, the thing about racial tribalism is that it's not just about acknowledging our differences. It is about drawing lines in the sand and creating an "us vs. them" mentality. And that's exactly what Chris Rock does. 
In his latest Netflix special, Selective Outrage, the comedian makes a lot of good points and lampoons the selective outrage of all the political sides, but it is difficult to ignore his binary views on race.
When joking about the fake January 6th insurrection, Rock not only repeats left-wing talking points from Democrats, he divides the country into racial groups, saying, “When did white men become victims?”
“Can you believe it? Did you see the Capitol riots? White men trying to overthrow the government they run!”
I don't know about you, my friends, but I must have missed the memo about how it is only morally justified to overthrow a government that is made up of people from the opposite race. Now, if indeed the rioters were trying to “overthrow” the government like Rock claims, would it only be of significance or relevance if the rioters were black? If a government were to become irreparably corrupt, would a true insurrection only be justified if the two competing sides had different coloured skin?
“What kind of white Planet Of The Apes shit was that!?” Rock cries.
If the government was controlled by blacks, would it then—and only then—be justified for whites to riot? Is Rock implying that whites would only overthrow a black government? Are whites not allowed to find other whites corrupt? Are Chris Rock's views on race and injustice strictly confined to such binary parameters? Would peace and agreement only arise from a homogeneous society made up of one, unified race?
Although funny at times, this sort of tribalism divides people and their problems along racial lines. It fails to address individualism and aims to paint the problems faced by our society with competing colours. Were there blacks involved in the Capitol riots? Maybe, but if there wasn't, does that mean the problems seen by the rioters are less important? Are fears about stolen elections exclusively reserved for white people, or are blacks and black issues exclusively meant to be defended by blacks alone?
Can we not stand up for one another?
Behind every joke, there is some truth. Rock's views on the Capitol riots are probably shared by many other Americans, which would be why so many find his jokes funny. He has several truthful and poignant jokes about race, but when addressing the Capitol riots, Chris Rock misses the mark and travels down the wrong path. When it comes to the riots on Capitol Hill, race had very little to do with it. Those who protested were not there because they were white, or because their government was white, or because they might “lose” their country. They were there to protest what they perceived as an injustice.
Those Capitol protesters would have welcomed any blacks with open arms.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that racism does not exist. Of course it does! But the way to combat racism is not by perpetuating tribalism. It is done by recognizing our shared humanity and working together to dismantle the systems that perpetuate the same inequality that Chris Rock jokes about.
As for Chris Rock? Well, I think he is a talented bloke, but I also think he should consider taking a long, hard look at the way he approaches issues of race. Is he really helping to create a more inclusive and equitable society? Or is he just perpetuating the very problems he claims to be against? Repeating false talking points from Democrats may indicate that Rock is caught up in some mainstream political narratives that are designed to divide Americans. In such a case, we can forgive him, but he should try getting more of his news from alternative sources.
At the end of the day, it is up to us to decide how we want to approach issues of race and tribalism. Rock's jokes are hilarious when they come from a truthful place, but when they are based on false narratives and political lies, they are much less funny.
MAY 2023


March 2023
