September 1st, 2024 | John Miller

Wokeness And Modern Eugenics 

A book review.
Woke Eugenics by Edward Dutton and J.O.A. Rayner-Hilles is an incendiary new book by Imperium Press that looks at the root cause of the rise of Wokeness. 
The basic premise? Wokeness is an immune response to the rise of Western comfort and abundance. 
The authors walk the reader through some preliminary understandings about what Wokeness is and how it rose to prominence over the past decade, but the real meat of the book takes a much broader view of civilization. They purport that life during the pre-industrial revolution was hardscrabble and Darwinian. This reality meant that only the strongest would survive. When global temperatures began to rise and the Industrial Revolution began to accelerate, living standards in Europe improved enough that millions of babies who would have otherwise died in their formative years were now making it to adulthood. 
This is usually seen as a good thing. However, improving childhood mortality rates, Dutton and Rayner-Hilles posit, leads to a genetically inferior stock, reaching adulthood and breeding the next generation. Compound this over a few generations with a continual improvement of living standards, and we get to where we are today.
Almost everybody born lives and we’re all spoiled rotten with a civilization of abundance and comfort. The authors believe that Wokeness isn’t a progressive faith pointing humanity to a utopian future. Instead, it is much more cynical and practical than that. They suggest that Wokeness is a form of eugenics in a society that has no barriers to entry. 
How does it work in a practical sense? The ultimate marker of a species' success is the ability to procreate the next generation. The future belongs to those who are willing to build it after all. Now look at the through line of everything that is Woke. Let’s take the mass acceptance of homosexuality over the past fifty years in Western society.
In a more rigid and conservative society, homosexuality is oppressed and suppressed. This leads to homosexuals “closetting” their true selves to conform to societal standards. In the 1950s, homosexuality was viewed as a sin, a crime, or a punchline. Homosexuals were around, but people turned a blind eye to them and pretended there was nothing weird about a couple of 40-year-old bachelors living together and whatnot. The other alternative was that they married a woman and pumped out a few kids. These kids according to Dutton and Rayner-Hilles would have many inherited genetic traits as a result of this copulation and would grow up to likely inherit the same homosexual instincts and perpetuate the cycle again. 
Except, today we have Wokeness.
Homosexuals today are celebrated and almost worshipped by the mainstream. They have high social status thrust upon them in the most explicit manner possible. Pride flags fly everywhere, crosswalks are always freshly painted, “You’re welcome here” stickers are on every business. Entire months of the year are dedicated to celebrating and worshipping homosexuals. 
Nobody needs to be closeted anymore. This means no more sham marriages and obligatory children as a result. This means their genetic line ends with them. This means that we are simply on the forefront of a massive decline of future homosexuals. 
Now extrapolate this template to everything that Woke celebrates.

Girl bosses that trade their fertility for an office job? Extinct.
Transsexuals that undergo the knife? Extinct.
Climate thumpers that won’t breed in order to “save” the planet? Extinct.
Easily influenced conformists that mindlessly adopt ascendant propaganda? Extinct.
Drug-addicted “safe injection” users. Extinct.
Men who can’t attract a woman? Extinct.
Obese people? Extinct.
Live your best life YOLO vacationers. Extinct.
Women who get abortions? Extinct.

Wokeness celebrates weakness and degeneracy. It destroys the people who embrace it and it makes life worse for the people who resist it. But the making life worse angle is also a part of the equation. Wokeness is driving its adherents into extinction, but the resisters are getting more and more based.
In effect, it is forcing people to step up either for or against Wokeness. The days of being a lukewarm liberal are over. You either start living more ruthlessly conservative or you give yourself over to the sickness of Woke. Conservatives who are against Wokeness have to actively be against it. That might mean figuring out how to move to a location with like-minded people. That might mean figuring out how to earn a living without Wokeness (or navigating it deftly for your own gain). It might mean prioritizing things you otherwise wouldn’t have to if Wokeness was not around. In short…Wokeness gives conservatives an obstacle to test their metal and make us stronger in the long run.
This book is well worth the read, but I think a sociological issue like we are currently experiencing has too many factors to be conclusively answered with a one-note explanation. In the case of this book, it all boils down to genetics. It’s too simple an answer and the book tries too hard to make that answer the right one. Alternatives aren’t really posited. For example, a falling child mortality rate leads to the existence of a lot of good people surviving that otherwise wouldn’t have. Is the genetic superiority really that much better because some babies had access to a warmer, dryer room for the first week of their lives when twenty years earlier they wouldn’t have? Darwinian debates could take up half the book, but the ultimate point resonates strongly enough that the reader can’t dismiss a certain amount of truthfulness to the thesis the authors offer.
If you think about everything that Woke celebrates and then draw it out to its natural conclusion, you’re left with a nihilistic vision of death and extinction. Conservatives always (and rightfully) rage against this, but perhaps we should take a step back and just let it be. Let our enemies wallow in their ideological trappings and focus instead on our civilizational pursuits. Trying too hard to “win” against an enemy that is sowing the seeds of its destruction is much less fruitful than focusing on closer-to-home practical solutions for us and those we care about. Reality is a hard teacher and reality is not what Wokeness is about. 
This book is worth the read and is a great resource for the times we find ourselves in. 

Order your copy:
AMAZON or straight from the publisher: IMPERIUM PRESS
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