APRIL 1st, 2023 | RYAN TYLER

The Depopulation Agenda Is Working

The global population is expected to decline, or plateau, within the next few decades.
Overpopulation has become one the greatest and most enduring myths of the 21st century. To people like Elon Musk, the planet has enough space for billions more, as long as we reduce our emissions and work toward sustainability. To others in more powerful positions, overpopulation is a serious problem. In fact, the consensus among the so-called global elites has been that overpopulation is our biggest threat and stopping it is of utmost importance. What the public doesn't realize is that their plans to depopulate the planet have been in place for decades. More importantly, these plans have finally started to work.
The earliest discussions about depopulation, prior to the 1960s, involved far less ethical approaches, but as time went on and as human rights became the tenet of modern liberalism, discussions on overpopulation began to centre on more ethical solutions. The conspiratorial idea that mass vaccinations are designed to poison and kill off large segments of the population isn't the kind of solution the “elites” are using. However, vaccines do play a role.
The current plans to depopulate the planet don't involve secretly killing and sterilizing the population. That kind of thing is no longer discussed, because it's not necessary. Our foods may be loaded with chemicals, there may be toxins in our environment and new plagues may be emerging daily—but none of that is a part of some nefarious plan to murder us. Depopulating the planet doesn't involve any of the things modern conspiracy theorists think it does.
Depopulation isn't being accomplished with chemtrails, starvation, sterilization, or mass murder. It's being accomplished with wealth redistribution.

Population Growth Is Plateauing

Several studies done by several organizations have come to similar conclusions. A 2020 study published by The Lancet estimates the global population will peak at 9 billion in 2064, then begin to decline. Other studies by the United Nations and Wittgenstein Centre have similar conclusions, but with differing dates. Among the higher estimates, rather than see a decline, there is evidence that the global population will, at least, begin to plateau at around 10 billion.
Since the 1950s, global fertility rates have dropped from 5 children per woman, to 2.5 children per woman. Many organizations and studies have estimated rates to decline further by 2050—even in most African countries. The decline has been most significant in highly developed and wealthy countries.
This takes us into the overall agenda and how depopulation has been working.

Wealth Lowers Fertility

Wealth and prosperity reduce fertility rates. Some people call it the demographic-economic paradox, because it's easy to assume that more financial freedom and wealth would encourage higher birth rates and bigger families, rather than do the opposite. As well, paradoxically, in a wealthier society in which both parents have careers, demands for childcare can increase the costs of raising children. This forces people to choose between advancing their careers and building a family.
As people become more affluent and see more opportunities, they put off having children until later in their lives—which makes them older parents—which limits their time and ability to produce larger families. There is also a larger segment of the population that never bears children.
Compare this to poor and less developed countries, where people have fewer opportunities and are able to dedicate more time and effort to building larger families. In less developed countries, a large family is a person's biggest and most prized achievement. In highly developed countries, a degree and a stable career are a person's most prized achievements.
Higher societal wealth improves the quality of life, affords more opportunities and encourages people to be more selfish in their financial pursuits. As Western and Asian countries grew their wealth, their birth rates began to decline sharply. Much of this started to happen after the second world war and the baby boom. By the 1990s, economic prosperity had spread to democratic Asian countries, like Japan and South Korea—countries with dangerously low birth rates today.

Depopulation And Wealth Redistribution

There are a lot of global schemes involving the redistribution of wealth from developed countries to undeveloped countries. The global war on climate change is only one example. Efforts to broaden women's rights and to build schools in Africa is another. If you've ever wondered why global organizations and forums are attempting to redistribute our wealth, now you know population control is one of the reasons.

Depopulation And Liberalism

Social and economic liberalism play a role in depopulation, but they are somewhat dependent on wealth. Swaying public opinions and building a cultural emphasis on smaller families, education, women's rights, contraception and same-sex relationships has—undoubtedly—helped lower Western birth rates. However, these new social norms are easier to implement in more wealthy, privileged societies. In less developed countries, where people have deeper and more pressing financial concerns, topics on same-sex marriage and women's rights are less important and more easily brushed aside. Less developed countries still emphasize keeping women at home with children, while the men work. 
Economic liberalism, in the form of higher taxes and more welfare, has helped lift more people out of poverty through education, job creation and financial supports. This a form of localized wealth redistribution in highly developed countries. Many liberals believe it helps fuel economic growth and create long-term opportunities.
Undeveloped countries can't pull off the same kind of liberalism, because they don't have enough wealth, or enough privilege. By helping them develop and achieve wealth, there is a belief that similar forms of Western liberalism will eventually take hold in places like Africa and Asia. Overall, there is strong evidence of correlation between wealth, privilege and liberalism.

Depopulation, Health And Mortality

Here's another paradox. There has been some evidence to suggest that lower mortality rates actually decrease birth rates. Some might assume that having better healthcare and longer lifespans would encourage more people to have more children, but it doesn't. It has been shown to do the opposite. The psychological explanations behind it are the most interesting, but the least surprising.
It turns out, people in more impoverished countries with higher mortality rates have more children. Apparently, it comes down to the perceived odds of survival within a community, and having more children is like an insurance policy on your bloodline. It's a kind of hoarding behaviour, according to science. This fits with Western society as well, when birth rates began declining with lower rates of infant and child mortality in the early 1900s.
Other studies have found a correlation with fewer opportunities in education, meaning it might also have to do with less knowledge about how babies are made.
In either situation, there is some scant scientific evidence to prove that higher mortality rates, particularly in children, correlate with higher birth rates. Places with higher mortality rates also happen to have fewer opportunities, less education and far less wealth—so there is room for debate. However, there are many in the depopulation cult who believe one of the keys to lowering birth rates is to lower mortality. This takes us to the next point.

Depopulation And Vaccines

With there being a statistical correlation between good health and low birth rates, it's only natural for many in the cult to push for mandatory vaccinations. Bill Gates was once quoted saying, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
According to the conspiracy theorists on Twitter who think there is a much darker, more nefarious plan to depopulate the planet, this was proof.
The truth is, Bill Gates' comments were more ethical than they might want to believe. He wasn't talking about poisoning and sterilizing billions of people, he was referring to the questionable idea that high mortality has a link to baby booms and high birth rates. He could also be one of the few people left that believes another questionable statistic: that disasters, plagues and sustained blackouts lead to booming birth rates.
A study using anecdotal evidence in 2007 found a relationship between catastrophic events and a jump in birth rates. The study has been challenged and debunked by other scientists since, but it may have influenced some powerful people at the time, like Bill Gates. In 2013, there were those who believed tropical storm Sandy caused an increase of births in New York, but doctors disputed the claim.
We know that wealthier countries are healthier countries, but we don't know for sure if mortality rates have any direct links to birth rates. If some inside the depopulation cult believe it does, they would look to vaccines as a way to lower mortality rates, prevent plagues and improve the health of the global population.

The Myth

Anyone who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s was exposed to the idea that overpopulation was becoming a problem. Two whole generations were raised with the idea that too many people on Earth would eventually lead to catastrophe. It was embedded in television shows, movies, cartoons and documentaries. By the late 1990s, it became global warming—then it evolved into “climate change”. All of it was designed to scare us about overpopulation and the destruction of our planet.
For the most part, it worked.
Millennials are now misanthropes and Zoomers are having anxiety attacks about melting glaciers and wildfires they think are becoming more frequent. Most of their anxieties and aversions are rooted in the idea that there are too many people on the planet. To solve this problem, they are consciously having fewer children, supporting reproductive rights and embracing lifestyles that are least likely to produce children.
Meanwhile, our global leaders have gone all in on depopulation and wealth redistribution to fight climate change and inequality. In some developed countries, they are importing migrants from undeveloped countries to simultaneously mitigate their own population decline, while trying to integrate migrants to minimize population growth in undeveloped countries. It's confusing.
On the other side, some resistance is growing. Elon Musk has advocated for population growth, calling overpopulation a destructive myth. Leaders in Japan are trying to tackle their country's negative birth rates and China is doing the same. There are a growing number of influencers and leaders who are beginning to realize the detriments of depopulation.
More people appear to be waking up to the biggest lie of the century.
In the middle of the last century, a few powerful people planted a depopulation bomb. They planted the seeds of a destructive and dangerous ideology that would grow into a cultural mindset among future generations. Now, Western countries are paying the biggest price. Unless we can undo this damage, we won't have much of a civilization by 2200.

The Solutions

We can use our national wealth to create more opportunities for people to start bigger families, while simultaneously allowing them to pursue their own careers. Rather than sending billions in foreign aid to Africa and Ukraine, we could invest in our own population growth at home by funding stronger maternity programs, creating dirt cheap childcare and allowing women and men to go on leave for longer—with 100% of their salaries, rather than 55%.
If anyone thinks that's too expensive, they should look at how much money Canada has exported to fight climate change and inequality in other countries.
APRIL 2023


March 2023
