August 1st, 2024 | RYAN TYLER

Land Acknowledgements Are Wrong And Stupid

If this land is truly stolen, there is only one right thing to do.
Whether you believe in the Garden Of Eden or evolution, one fact remains true: everyone is a colonist. For this reason, land acknowledgements are another stupid way for white liberals to feel better about themselves. They want us to indulge their liberal egos and to join them in their crusade to make peace, but land acknowledgements have no place in a reasonable society.
We don't need to indulge these lunatics anymore. Reality tells a much different story than what they want us to believe. The facts tell us the truth.
Evolution tells us that we all came from Africa. The Bible tells us we came from a magical garden. Both Africa and that garden have something in common. They are both one, single place. From that one place, humans spread across the Earth, formed societies, built empires and—you guessed it—they colonized new lands. On these new lands, and in these new places, they gave birth to children. Their children, thus, became natives of that land.
We'll address treaties later, but if you were born in Canada, you are a native on this land. Despite what they tell you, you have just as many rights as those who called themselves native long before you did. Their ancestry, like yours, does not give them any extra privileges or rights. Likewise, no one is responsible for the deeds and actions of their ancestors.
This might all sound a bit too logical for your liberal friends and family to comprehend, but these are truths worth sharing.
Furthermore, we can't have this discussion without acknowledging some important scientific facts. One such fact is that the “indigenous” people of the Americas have Asian and Siberian DNA. This confirms a scientific theory that Asian settlers crossed into the Americas via a land-bridge that once connected Alaska and Russia. This makes the indigenous people of Canada early Asian colonists.
More recent finds suggest Eurasian people landed by boat in the Americas 30,000 years ago, before the last ice age and before the more genetically modern First Nations of today.
We also can't have this discussion without acknowledging the inherently racist nature of all these liberal dogmas. Holding people accountable for the actions of other people who share the same skin colour and DNA is classic, textbook racism. It isn't right to expect all Canadian-born white people to “go home”, just as it wouldn't be right to expect First Nations to go back to Asia. For this reason, there is no need to “acknowledge” anything but the rights of everyone, regardless of their heritage and race.
As science has proven, everyone who was born in Canada is an ancestor of immigrants and colonists.
Yes, those who founded this society signed treaties. We can believe and share these truths while continuing to acknowledge past contracts and agreements. Those treaties should be respected and honoured. Promises made should be kept and indigenous land should be respected. However, we have to acknowledge the many benefits indigenous Canadians have enjoyed since the colonists arrived.
I know native tribes had their own structures, systems and medicines, but it wasn't anything compared to what came from the Industrial Revolution.
As most historians know, the Industrial Revolution is a European thing. It has its roots in the very society Canadian colonists came from: Great Britain. From there, it spread to all of Europe's various colonies, including Canada. Would these riches and spoils have reached the many Asian tribes that lived here without the arrival of new settlers and colonists? Maybe, but maybe not. What we know is that when European colonists arrived, the Americas were nowhere near any kind of industrial revolution.
Since the Industrial Revolution, global poverty has declined rapidly. On the timeline of human history, the speed in which poverty has been reduced is unprecedented. In Canada, indigenous people have access to free public healthcare, educated doctors, effective medicines, and emergency services. On top of that, due to treaties, they have an abundance of land. On this land, they can do whatever they want. Many have chosen to build houses, casinos, hospitals, malls, schools, and various other byproducts of modernity and progress.
Yet, here we are. None of it is good enough. We, white people, are still expected to repent for all of our past sins. Due to our genetics, we are responsible for residential schools, small pox, and various other transgressions—but not any of the progress our ancestors brought with them. If we were to follow the narrative liberals want us to believe, we would see no silver linings and nothing of value.
Divisive liberal rhetoric puts walls and barriers between people who identify as Canadian.
If a First Nation doesn't have running water or electricity, it's our fault. We, as colonists, have failed to provide for the indigenous Canadians who, by their own choice, wanted to be left alone. Never mind that running water and electricity are options at all. It doesn't matter. None of it really makes sense, because it's not supposed to. 
By trying to believe things that simply aren't true, Canadian liberals have created a clownish culture of white guilt, cognitive dissonance, division, and incoherence. Ordinary and new Canadians are often left feeling confused and insane because of how the Liberal Party has managed Canada. They feel like oddballs when they question some of the ludicrous policies that have come from this government. They feel like they could be demonized and ostracized for questioning any of it. As a result, many Canadians are left asking themselves, “Is it just me? Am I nuts?”
What's happening is politics. We have white liberals and big L partisans pandering to voters. Corporations do the same, but for consumers instead of voters. They are trying to institutionalize insanity for their own benefit.
We don't have to play along. 
Liberals and New Democrats have a tradition of introducing purposefully insane ideas so conservatives and "old stock" Canadians will reject them. When their ideas get rejected, liberals can call their opponents racist. This strategy has worked in dividing minority groups and turning them against "conservatives" for votes. In the end, First Nations and racial minorities are made to believe that conservatives are their enemies. 
Does all of this mean it's wrong to acknowledge that we are living on land that once belonged to someone else? No, not at all. If you want to do it, go ahead. But making it an institutional requirement in schools, courts, government services, and inside private corporations, is one step too far. Forcing this kind of liberal pandering and lunacy on the rest of the population—and attempting to ingrain this nonsense in our culture—is wrong.
We are not living on stolen land. If we are, we should be giving it back. That would be the morally correct course of action. But, of course, no privileged white liberal wants to vacate their home, pack their bags and move back to the country their great, great grandparents came from. White liberals would rather offer platitudes and niceties to the people they think they're robbing.
Words come easier than actions.
For liberal immigrants, it's even worse. Imagine thinking of yourself as a good person, while you pack your things, leave your native land, and move to a society you believe was built on unjustly stolen land, illegally, by marauding white colonists. Furthermore, you are knowingly moving onto this stolen land to exploit the riches and spoils of the evil society that was built on it. What kind of person does that make you as an immigrant to Canada?
Land acknowledgements have no place in a reasonable human society that has produced immeasurable wealth and reduced poverty for everyone who lives within it.
The truth is, all humans are colonists. Colonization is in our nature. People require space and resources. White people are not the only race that ever colonized a place. Perhaps they have been the most successful so far, but they are not the first colonists and they won't be the last. As China and India ramp up space exploration, we can't deny this reality. There will, inevitably, come a day when we must colonize other planets. Our survival could depend on it.
Scientists know that stars and planets have lifespans. Regardless of your beliefs about climate change, there are various other situations that could threaten our homeland. When the time comes and we find a habitable planet nearby, will we move along and risk extinction because we found a tiny, far less advanced tribal civilization already living there? Even without the threat of extinction, would we forfeit our long journey and our sacrifices to turn back and fly home?
I doubt it.
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