October 1st, 2024 | RYAN TYLER

BC's Stunning Reversal And COnfirmation Of A Cultural Shift

The overdue reckoning might be here.
I've been watching opinion polls in almost every election for the past year and wondering whether what I'm seeing is that long sought “cultural shift”. I've been avoiding the pull of unrealistic optimism, but it's looking like BC is offering some real confirmation. For even more confirmation, demographic polls from the United States and Canada offer what looks like a stunning generational shift in political ideology. Young voters, particularly men, have become significantly more right wing. This, if it proves true, will shatter the dreams of every socialist, liberal, and tyrant who was hoping to move their destructive ideology further up the ladder.
It's too soon to tell how BC's election will turn out, but even if the NDP wins again, their victory will be slim and hanging by the thinnest thread. Unless their fellow sadists in the Green Party win enough seats to prop them up, David Eby will be finished. Under a propped up minority, he would be forced to face the reality of being beaten down and relentlessly pressured by Rustad and his Conservatives throughout the rest of his political career—which will inevitably end with a pathetic whimper at some point.
Regardless of which one of those scenarios plays out, Eby and the NDP are in for a rough ride.
People are pissed off. Those young, military-aged men have been watching their communities get destroyed by safe injection sites, soft justice, crushing housing costs, soaring crime, dysfunctional healthcare, and stagnating wages. They've been watching their own quality of life deteriorate in real time. They've been living through a nightmare of bad policies and misguided political ideologies—and they're tired of it.
This could be it. This might be that reckoning I have been talking about and hoping for. What's more encouraging is that British Columbia isn't the only place this appears to be happening. Polls in Canada show that a majority of men between 18 and 35 are leaning to the right—and would vote for Trump in that other election. Of course, these numbers have horrified the traditional soccer moms, purple-haired Karens, and nutless soyboys who have been voting left in the past few elections. This is why you might have noticed their panic and calls to action recently.
Statistically, white men are more likely to vote. This has always been the case, no matter how hard Liberals and Democrats have tried to change it. Now that they are all pissed off, that day of reckoning is approaching faster. Even so, polls aren't showing great numbers among women and minorities either. For left-leaning parties, the forecast is looking more bleak with every new opinion poll and statistic.
In Canada, Pierre Poilievre is scooping up a majority of the female vote. The two left-wing parties still own that monopoly together, but their margins are shrinking fast. Within a few short years, polls from Abacus, Mainstreet, and Leger have shown a significant shift to the right among women. The youngest women still appear to be more woke than ever, but it won't matter. The dopey Taylor Swift demographic is statistically less likely to vote. They're more concerned about the trivial dramas unfolding on TMZ and TikTok.
With a majority of young men, combined with the statistically significant shift to the right among 30+ women, right-leaning parties and candidates currently have the biggest advantage I have seen in my entire lifetime.
What hints at a cultural shift, in my opinion, is the fact that traditional tactics and methods are failing miserably. The tried and true social causes (abortion, gender, colonialism, racism, etc.) don't appear to be working for Liberals and Democrats anymore. It's almost like people stopped caring about those things because life is finally starting to suck after decades of backward policies. People no longer have the time or patience to worry about how many genders there should be, or about how their country's institutions are too white. People, finally, have real concerns.
The fact that Donald Trump is ahead of—or at least tied with—Kamala Harris in every major swing state proves the old ways are dead. Twenty years ago, the media would have been able to successfully cock-block Trump after his remarks about people eating cats in Springfield—but, this time, every one of their efforts has backfired. Mainstream media's power has shrunk to levels I could have never imagined. Their soundbites and disparaging montages that use Trump's own words against him have failed miserably. Instead of discrediting him, they're causing the Streisand Effect.
Young people are finding Trump funny and authentic. They're mashing his words into viral memes and music videos. More importantly, none of them are watching CNN or listening to elitist celebrities. They're doing their own research.
It's becoming clear that the left has lost the youth. If they paid more attention years ago, they might have been able to save themselves. Gen Z, in particular, has made a strong point about valuing and respecting authenticity. Polls and surveys from years ago, when most of them were in high school, painted a picture of a generation that was tired of sleazy, scripted politicians. They never cared for manufactured platitudes and carefully crafted slogans.
Leaders on the left have become the epitome of everything Gen Z hates.
Kamala Harris, Justin Trudeau and David Eby are exactly what young people don't want more of. They don't want slogans and buzzwords that were focus-grouped for two years. They don't want to be lied to, talked down to, or gaslighted by greasy politicians. They can see, with their own eyes, how left-wing policies have failed. When people like Justin Trudeau try to wash away those failures with cheery platitudes and hollow rhetoric, they cringe.
The internet is filled with clips of both Trump and Poilievre talking off script. Both politicians seem to shine and do their best during these moments. When Poilievre steps away from his party's ridiculous “bring it home” slogan and talks to reporters one-on-one, Gen Z takes notice. They take notice of his and Trump's authentic anger. The very anger mainstream journalists try to point out as a flaw, thinking their old methods of shaming someone for being too raw will still work.
None of that old shit works on young people.
Older generations are used to well-spoken and refined politicians. When we hear Trump say certain things, we do a facepalm—but Gen Z chuckles and makes a meme. They aren't getting bent out of shape about Trump's off-script rambles and Poilievre's sparring matches with reporters. They aren't offended by Trump's character, because they know no one is perfect. While older generations are used to perverts and adulterers hiding their faults under a fake facade, younger generations want to see it. They don't want to be lied to.
With Trump, Gen Z and Millennial men know what they're getting. Furthermore, Trump isn't a wimp. Young men and women are noticing his courage and resilience. He has been under relentless attack from media and Democrats, had his entire wardrobe of skeletons aired out in public, been prosecuted in court, and taken a bullet. Unlike most politicians under similar circumstances, Trump hasn't whimpered away like a sad puppy and written a two page apology for everything he has done and said throughout his life. Instead, he has been defiant and persistent.
Another element in all of this is elitism. That “I'm too good to talk to certain people” mentality and Hillary's holier than thou “deplorables” worldview. While Harris, Trudeau, and Eby avoid certain podcasts and commentators, people like Trump and Rustad are talking to them. Taking a page from Danielle Smith's playbook, John Rustad has made an effort to get his message out across the board, to all types of audiences, without shying away from people like Jordan Peterson.
Trump started his ascent in 2016 by talking to Alex Jones and continues talking to almost everyone in 2024.
There's no telling where this evident cultural shift will end, but it looks real. It won't yet be as pronounced in Canada as it has been elsewhere, but the tides have definitely turned. British Columbia moved from a light right United party to a harder right conservative party. In a few short months, conservatives in BC did what it took Alberta years to do. They consolidated their efforts and power under one unified movement. That movement is now polling in majority territory.
If Trump wins next month, there's no telling how the elitists and establishment will react. If they try to kill him or remove him, it could ignite a powder keg. If they succeed, I wouldn't rule out something resembling a civil war. When tyrants lose control like this, they become desperate. That desperation is what leads into the most unthinkable scenarios.
Regardless, the cultural shift can't be stopped by bullets, theatre, or political persecution. If anything, these things would only propel it forward, harder and faster.
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